Synopsis: Every year, Blue Sargent stands next to her clairvoyant mother as the soon-to-be dead walk past. Blue never sees them--until t...

Hi guys! Sorry for disappearing for so long. After I wrote my last post for this website, everything in life started to get a little crazy....

It's that dreaded time of the year again— finals week . Although for some, I suppose it may have happened last week, or it may not ...

Well, as was  advertised all week this past week , it was National Park Week! And as  I wrote about earlier in the week last week , Jeremy a...

In case you hadn't heard the news, this week—April 16th through April 24th—is National Park Week ! If you also didn't know it alrea...

Well, nothing new to report. The Internet is once again blowing up over whitewashing. The focus is back on Scarlett Johansson and Paramount...

I've always wanted to write and have my voice heard. Sometimes, I've wanted to write and not cared if my voice was heard. I write t...