"Let's Take Zed's Ult, and Make it into an Item!" Said No One Ever

Riot. What. Are. You. Doing. This is the epitome of all ridiculous things Riot has done in...like...the last year. This tops it all. Th...

Riot. What. Are. You. Doing.

This is the epitome of all ridiculous things Riot has done in...like...the last year. This tops it all. The sweet icing to the cake.

"These days the 'core' item build that feels good often only goes to 'build Ghostblade and Maw and hope that's enough to finish them off'," says whoever in Riot wrote the summary of the 6.3 Patch concerning the new item, terrifyingly called Duskblade of Draktharr—and if you read the description and think about it a bit, terrifying it is.

Seriously. Whoever wrote that line. I want to know: Do you even play? Because even though assassin's have been feeling a bit left out lately with all the updates to game play going on, with that new thing called keystones, assassins can fucking hurt. Thunderlord's Decree is literally the bane of my existence on Zed and Yasuo. Meanwhile, Diana has always made me cry due to how scary she can be...especially when dinner is a five-course meal.

Okay, yeah, I admit—the League assassins needed a little boost of some sort...maybe. Kind of? Not really. That's just me trying to give assassins the benefit of the doubt. I love playing assassins. I hate playing against assassins when they have Thunderlord's as their keystone mastery. They really didn't need this much love. Even if Riot wanted to give their assassins a bit more love...who decided that taking a Zed ult, making it into an item, and creating a mini-Zed ult in the form of something similar to Deathfire Grasp was a good idea?

Think about it: Now Zed can essentially ult twice with his own ult, and with the item Duskblade.

Mind. Freaking. Blown.

I'm slightly upset, slightly scared out of my mind, and slightly angry at Riot for releasing too many OP things lately and bringing completely broken things like this to the Rift.

Dear Riot. Please calm down. You're getting too excited over there with your ideas and stuff.

This item, though, is going to bring a whole new meaning to the word "assassin" though. Like Zed, Katarina, LeBlanc, and Yasuo, Duskblade is going to allow most assassins to get in and get out with ease. It's going to create a huge new dynamic for team fights and it won't make it feel like assassins are just there for the last second cleanup of the fight. Pair this item with your attack damage assassins and the items they usually build (Maw, Ghostblade, etc.) and then add your Thunderlord's mastery and the damage it can proc into the mix...one word: ouch. The thought is making me cringe.

I'm pretty decent at taking mages against AD assassins, but this Duskblade item is going to make me need to rethink how I play my mages mid, and if I even want to take a mage against someone like Zed or Yasuo—who already hurt like no other.

I have to at least hand it to Riot. While the game and the introduction of new characters, new items, buffing and nerfing have been making some people upset lately (i.e. my boyfriend), the changes and even champion reworks are opening up a whole new style of game play and they're making the game of League of Legends a little less mindless. A little less mindless in the way you play means a little bit more toxicity, I suppose, but I'm finding some of the changes fairly interesting. If you think about it, anyway, everyone hates League—but everyone plays it anyway. It's giving the game, the story, and its characters a bit more depth in my opinion. It's changing the way people normally play, it's forcing them to change how comfortable they've become with playing League and think of things a little differently when they go about their laning phases and team fights.

This new item, Duskblade, is going to add to all of that even more now.

But I still hate you for giving the assassins so much love, Riot.

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