8:11 PM
2016: New Year's Resolutions
8:11 PMSuch fickle things, New Year's resolutions are. You're either a person devoted to them and takes them too seriously, doesn't t...
Such fickle things, New Year's resolutions are. You're either a person devoted to them and takes them too seriously, doesn't take them seriously enough and either regrets your choices by the time the year ends or laughs it off as yourself and resolutions being a joke not to have been taken seriously in the first place—or you're stuck somewhere in between all of this.
I'm the person that's stuck in-between. Honestly, being stuck in between isn't such a bad state. It means you make New Year's resolutions, but that you don't devote and dedicate your lives to them and then waste away when they aren't completed. But it also doesn't mean you take them as a joke and just make a list to look like a good little member of society who makes resolution lists. It means you take them slightly seriously, but are a little more relaxed with the intensity that you attempt to achieve them.
For the most part, I personally think it's better to work in such a way. Treating resolutions as yearly goals is a better perspective in general. Why? Well, because that's all they really are, and you have an entire year to achieve them. It's always nice to sit down at the end of each year (or beginning of the year) and figure out some New Year's resolutions in order to try and figure out what your goals for the year are. Your goals change throughout the year, depending on what is most important to you and what is going on at certain points in your life. That's not a bad thing, which is why I think taking resolutions too seriously can be a bad thing. So it's always nice that New Year's comes around and everyone starts asking about resolutions—because it allows you as a person to sit down and think, "What is it I want to do this year the most?"
Above all, you should enjoy your resolutions. They are made and tailored with yourself in mind. You're picking them for certain reasons. They're something you really want to work to achieve. Achieving them can feel great in the end and really boost your self esteem, which is always a good thing. But it's always a good thing to keep in mind that you should achieve resolutions at your own pace, and it should be a healthy pace. It shouldn't physically or mentally wear you down. Resolutions are supposed to push you and provide a bit of a challenge, but they also aren't supposed to drive you into the dirt from overworking on them. Keep in mind your own health, your work schedule, school schedule—whatever it may be—when it comes to working on your resolutions. Some may be time consuming, and others may be easy tasks. Either way, they should be at least some level of fun for you, and they should also provide some level of a challenge and frustrate you just a little.
I know, I know, I'm sounding like I'm repeating the same thing and talking in a circle, don't I? But I'm serious. Something can be both challenging and frustrating but not immediately make you want to quit and make you dread it. Something can be both challenging and frustrating while also being fun. You really need to find that common ground when considering New Year's resolutions.
Now, I'm going to give you a list of my resolutions. Maybe this list will provide some inspiration for anyone reading this. Mostly, it's documentation for myself (as you'll notice, I'm talking in first person to myself).
My 2016 New Year's Resolutions:
I'm the person that's stuck in-between. Honestly, being stuck in between isn't such a bad state. It means you make New Year's resolutions, but that you don't devote and dedicate your lives to them and then waste away when they aren't completed. But it also doesn't mean you take them as a joke and just make a list to look like a good little member of society who makes resolution lists. It means you take them slightly seriously, but are a little more relaxed with the intensity that you attempt to achieve them.
For the most part, I personally think it's better to work in such a way. Treating resolutions as yearly goals is a better perspective in general. Why? Well, because that's all they really are, and you have an entire year to achieve them. It's always nice to sit down at the end of each year (or beginning of the year) and figure out some New Year's resolutions in order to try and figure out what your goals for the year are. Your goals change throughout the year, depending on what is most important to you and what is going on at certain points in your life. That's not a bad thing, which is why I think taking resolutions too seriously can be a bad thing. So it's always nice that New Year's comes around and everyone starts asking about resolutions—because it allows you as a person to sit down and think, "What is it I want to do this year the most?"
Above all, you should enjoy your resolutions. They are made and tailored with yourself in mind. You're picking them for certain reasons. They're something you really want to work to achieve. Achieving them can feel great in the end and really boost your self esteem, which is always a good thing. But it's always a good thing to keep in mind that you should achieve resolutions at your own pace, and it should be a healthy pace. It shouldn't physically or mentally wear you down. Resolutions are supposed to push you and provide a bit of a challenge, but they also aren't supposed to drive you into the dirt from overworking on them. Keep in mind your own health, your work schedule, school schedule—whatever it may be—when it comes to working on your resolutions. Some may be time consuming, and others may be easy tasks. Either way, they should be at least some level of fun for you, and they should also provide some level of a challenge and frustrate you just a little.
I know, I know, I'm sounding like I'm repeating the same thing and talking in a circle, don't I? But I'm serious. Something can be both challenging and frustrating but not immediately make you want to quit and make you dread it. Something can be both challenging and frustrating while also being fun. You really need to find that common ground when considering New Year's resolutions.
Now, I'm going to give you a list of my resolutions. Maybe this list will provide some inspiration for anyone reading this. Mostly, it's documentation for myself (as you'll notice, I'm talking in first person to myself).
My 2016 New Year's Resolutions:
- Don't allow yourself to fall as low as you did last year. Stress is a serious thing with you, and you know it. 2015 was the ultimate year to allow yourself to get out of hand. Sure, you adopted two cats and they help with stress management—but now you need to look inward and figure out ways to de-stress and keep the levels low.
- Get back on a weight loss regimen. You were doing so well at the end of 2014! What happened?! Try and work out twice a week. You're still really close to the 135 pounds that's your goal weight!
- Drink 3 cups of tea. Every day. The max to help with weight and health is 5 cups a day. If you can't achieve 5, like you wanted to in 2015, then aim for 3 this year. Plus you have a cute new mug that Jeremy bought you for Christmas to enjoy warm tea in! Although not as healthy, iced tea is always good in the summer, too. Try to get yourself off the soda, though (not the Monster. Caffeine is needed for essential school survival!)
- Take school one step at a time and pace yourself. Do NOT allow school to contribute to your stress this year. You WILL graduate and you WILL NOT be left behind. Just take everything slow but pace yourself to keep up. Work with Jeremy on this if you have to. Don't tackle everything yourself.
- Do all school assignments ahead of time. You did okay with this during the first half of the fall in 2015, but then you fell behind. Well, no slacking this year! First and second day of school will no longer be syllabus review days only this year. You must work on the first and second day of classes and start homework right then and there!
- Try to read a bit more this year. It's a huge stress reliever and although you don't like doing it while also reading assigned textbooks, you should because it's something you enjoy with all your heart and something you miss dearly. Try and read 5 books this year if you can. More would be better, but dedicate time for that over the summer!
- Change the kittens' food diet. A resolution for your pets! Why did you even start feeding them Meow Mix? Sometimes, mother's don't always know best. You should've gone with your vet tech-gut instinct and gotten them something grain free from the start. Save their digestive system while they're still young!
- Try to eat at 7pm every night. Dinner has always been a weird thing between you and Jeremy. You both eat enough, and you both eat healthy, but your dinner growing up was always 5-6pm. He grew up with dinners anywhere from 7-8pm. Try and eat at 7pm from now on to ensure you don't get sick.
- Go to sleep at decent times. No more staying up until 2-3am just because friends ask you to and want to play League with you. You miss Ryan and you love talking to Alex, but you need to keep in mind your health and what staying up late does to you. Get your school schedule in order and figure out what days you can stay up late and play League with friends.
- Wake up at decent times on weekends. Try not to sleep until 2pm anymore. It's nice, and is sometimes needed, but waking up at 10-11am is also nice and allows you to allot times to get things done!
I'm keeping myself limited to these ten. It's doable for me, but also gives me enough choices to try and work on a few different things. Most of these things I will have to put a decent amount of effort into it, so I need to allow myself extra choices in order to work on things at different paces and not freak out when I don't finish something.
Anyway! Still a little over two hours left until Arizona changes to the future. These are my New Year's resolutions. What are yours?
Anyway! Still a little over two hours left until Arizona changes to the future. These are my New Year's resolutions. What are yours?
Happy New Year, everyone!